Not another holiday poinsettia
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) genus
During the holiday season, everyone likes to write about the Poinsettia or Christmas Cactus, but I’m going to turn a page in the playbook and discuss the Amaryllis. Though they come in a wide range of shades, the crimson red velvet color is ideal for Christmas. Plus, it’s so rewarding to plant the bulb in a festival container and watch it grow. My mom loved these beautiful flowers and so do I.
Amaryllis originated in South America's tropical regions and has the botanical name Hippeastrum. Plants of the genus Amaryllis are known as belladonna lily. Amaryllis means to sparkle in Greek. So, let’s bring some sparkle into our homes this winter!
Amaryllis are super easy to grow. Simply plant the bulb, pointed side up, slightly above the soil line, in good potting soil, and provide bright, indirect light. Water sparingly until the stem appears, then water more regularly. If it gets top-heavy, provide a support stake to keep it upright.
They like snug quarters, so don’t plant the Amaryllis bulb in a pot that is too large. Select a heavy pot so it doesn’t topple over under the weight of the blooms. As the stalk reaches toward the sun, turn the pot in the opposite direction.
After the flowers fade, gently snip them off. When the stems begin to sag, cut them back close to the bulb. Store the bulb in a cool and dark place for at least 6-weeks and then you can plant them again. When taken care of properly, these plants can live 75-years! I have two Amaryllis bulbs that are 8-years old.
Smarty Plants Fun Facts
Amaryllis is in the family Amaryllidaceae
The larger the bulb, the larger the flower
Bright, indirect sunlight
Bulbs will flower in 6-10 weeks
The More You Grow
In Greek mythology there is a story of a woman named Amaryllis who was infatuated with the handsome, yet hard-hearted Alteo. Amaryllis pierced her heart with a golden arrow and droplets of her blood spilled upon the pathway to his cottage. After the 30th day, beautiful scarlet flowers blossomed along that same path. Alteo’s heart was melted and he fell in love with Amaryllis. Like Alteo, this gorgeous flower is bound to melt your heart too.
Ready to plant!